Rooms - Sumner, IA
1st Floor Layout - Memories Are Forever - Sumner, IA 2nd Floor Layout - Memories Are Forever - Sumner, IA
There are several rooms within the Memories Are Forever museum.  Click on any of the rooms below for more pictures of inside each room.
Military I - Service uniforms, stories, photos and salute to Sumner's veterans. 
Military II - Souvenirs from various wars are also displayed.
Cubs Room - History, trophies and photos of one of Iowa's greatest amateur teams - The Cubs
FFA/Agriculture - History of Sumner FFA and agriculture, awards and farm photos.
Business - Businesses of the past are remembered.  Old town clock, salute to Rotary and old Gazette issues to browse.
Alumni - Composite photos of all graduating classes since 1901.
Second Floor Hallways - Hall of Pride hallway displays photos and biographies of renowned Sumner graduates and citizens of the community.
Assembly Room - Visitors may relax and visit here, look at old school annuals and newspapers.
Aces Room - Everything Aces!  Sports history, trophies uniforms and photos.
Churches/Scouting/Country Schools - See country school history, Girls Scouts/Boy Scouts and church history.
Whitmire Room - Hospital history with many of Doc's operating utensils.
Art Room - See many nature related items and bird taxidermy, including the famous Four Seasons full-length painting by Roger Bock and Dita Mallon.  Sumner artists/photographers are featured in this room.
Music Room - This room features Sumner child prodigy Mary Louise Boehm.  Also see history of Sumner's outstanding music programs.
Library - Browse old books, read Dick & Jane and see Spot run.  Also features old computers and typewriters.